Sunday, August 10, 2008

Stormy ride

I was able to spend a week with my family and friends in Wisconsin half way through the Kodiak tour. Amanda and Abigail also flew out at the same time. We had a great time and it was a much needed break from the tour. On our way out we had a bit of weather to work around. The picture shows us just skirting the edge of a thunderstorm. We saw a lot of lightning and a lot of black clouds, but were able to stay clear of it. We got through just in time, because about a half hour later it really closed in and covered the bottom half of Wisconsin. The picture above shows the sattalite image in our cocpit as we flew through it. The flight was only four hours, from Oshkosh, WI to Bermingham, Al. After the initial storm we had smooth flying the rest of the way.

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