Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Are We Soft Clay?

We are learning again to allow God to shape us and use us for the purposes He has for the present time.... We had plans to go to New Tribes Mission Aviation's technical evaluation this spring and to head off to the NTM mission's training center the fall of 2009. At this time, NTMA's minimum requirements for a pilot's flight hours have been raised to 400 and also 1 year of maintenance experience. Ben has close to 300 hours and maintenance exp. from his training at Moody Aviation, and this job he has now will give him more.

So, for a few days we kind of reeled at this change of our plans... "Lord, what are You doing?... don't we need to go now...."it already takes so long for a missionary pilot to get to the field... "okay, mabye we need to just live for a while...."the past several years have been extreemly intense..."mabye You have need for us here.... "mabye we need to learn to rest, repose and just be in relationship with You, making sure we don't find any of our "worth" in what we do, but who we are in Christ..."yet finding the balance of walking in the good works that He has prepared beforhand for us to do...."but finding our identity in Christ alone..."

That said, mabye it gives you a glimpse into where we are. We are settling into life here, now that we're past the surprise of the change of "our" plans and we have jumped in with both feet to "normal" life in the northwest. It's good. And we can see that the Lord knew exactly what we needed. Of course. : )


The blog hasn't been updated much lately since my husband got a job.... so I will be taking on the blog postings every so often. In light of this difficult economic time, we are thanking the Lord that Ben actually got a job. Just when January was feeling very bleak and we had begun to doubt, the Lord reminded us that He has a plan. Ben is now working for Glasair, a company in Arlington that builds small fiberglass aircraft. This job is such a God-send, such a specific answer to prayer... Ben really wanted a job that he could get maintenance experience in and possibly have opportunities to gain flight hours- both of which this job provides. And he is working with a buddy from his graduating class. The comradrie is very encouraging.